Why Attend

What is Experience?

Experience is an annual gathering of QA and software development professionals who are passionate about driving good quality practices. This year's theme is Unleash, which will help you dive into how to best leverage AI to create better user experiences and elevate quality.

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Why Should I Attend?

You'll have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sessions including workshops, panels, spotlights, lightning talks, and more, all designed to help you learn how to unleash what's possible in your testing strategy. You'll take away actionable tips, strategies, and mabl learnings you can take back to your team.

While it is free to attend, tickets are valued at $499-799 to make this learning opportunity accessible to everyone.

  • Meet and connect with other QA and software leaders
  • Learn new AI techniques, and how to apply it strategically to your quality strategy
  • Get hands-on training, and learn from industry-leading QA teams

Convince Your Boss

Use our template to convince your organization why you should attend Experience:

Dear [Boss's Name],

Experience 2024, hosted by mabl, is taking place on October 15-16 in Boston, and the conference is focused on enabling QA and software development teams to leverage AI to build better quality practices and user experiences. This would be a great professional development opportunity, and I can bring best practices and learnings back to our team.

If I were to attend, here are some of the learnings and experiences I can bring back to the team:

  • Participate in hands-on labs that will help me learn advanced mabl functionality, get certified, and help onboard members of our team
  • Attend workshops that will help our team learn new GenAI techniques we can apply to our testing strategy
  • Learn how other organizations leverage AI and mabl to improve customer experiences
  • Meet and network with other QA and software development teams we can connect with post-conference
  • [Add any specific speakers or other takeaways specific to you and your role here]

mabl is offering free tickets (valued at $799) to the event. Please let me know if I can provide any other information to help me secure my ticket to Experience 2024.

Thank you,

[Insert Your First Name]